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Social Media

Shannon Danesteh Trains Small Business Owners
That Need A Little (or a lot) Of Help With
Creating And Maintaining Effective
Social Media Marketing And Website Design
What we do
A Personalized Approach
Social Media Page
If you just want a Facebook page for your business, or you want on several platforms…
We will make page creation and posting a breeze
Brand Identity
If you’re just starting out, or your brand is in need of some freshening up…
We bring a fresh set of eyes and idea’s
Web Development
If your Website was a rock-star in 1999, but hasn’t been updated since…
We will make sure you’re site is a shining star
Training Support
Learning what’s needed to stay up to date can be too much…
We can train your team so the basics are a little more basic
Content Design
Creating engaging posts, video, pictures, snaps, etc…
We make staying connected with your customers easy
Business Check-Up
You don’t know what you don’t know…
We will look at all aspects of your current social Media
Generating New Ideas. Solving Big Problems
& Small Problems Too!

Why we are different
When we say a personalized approach, we mean it. During your business check-up review, we will be totally honest about what changes we thing would be best to make; then discuss what you’d like to implement. Every business is different, especially small businesses!
Let’s Start Something new
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